Custom programs

It should be noted that custom software development is an economically profitable move when the company has a large number of jobs. A more expensive solution would be to buy licenses. Writing programs to order implies, in the end, obtaining the rights to it and installing it in the workplace.
The advantage of such a product is a complete solution to the problems of a particular enterprise. When it is required to write a program to order, all the necessary features of the customer’s company will be taken into account. This will allow you to get the most suitable interface, select the necessary technologies and get the right to use the software product.
Custom software also has some drawbacks. These include a long development period, high cost of services. When carrying out work, the customer must constantly take part in solving certain issues. But only writing programs to order is the only possible solution for companies whose software is part of a service or a product being sold. Then it becomes a competitive advantage for companies. And various modern technologies allow you to write a high-quality program to order.