Top 20 apps that won’t let you die of boredom

Life without smartphones is now hard to imagine. A lot has changed since the evolution of these smart devices, and the revolution is still in its early stages, we can expect much more. These smartphones have now become a necessity. If someone is not very enthusiastic, we usually take out the phone and start playing […]


How do I run an Android app on my Windows computer?

Mobile gadgets and PCs usually have different operating systems, so the ability to run applications together is very limited. To solve the problem of using games and programs for Android on your PC are emulators, which “recreate” on your computer full-fledged operating system of mobile gadgets. Their functionality and capabilities often differ significantly, and about […]


How to monetize mobile applications: 4 ways to attract to your products

Mobile applications are created for different purposes. For some it may be a trial project, for others it’s a successful software product development process that seeks to increase brand awareness, but the task of most developers is still to make a profit. It is better to think about possible solutions to this issue before starting […]


Top 10 most popular applications for smartphones in Easter Europe

Quarantine has made many people think, if not about the transition to the Internet, then about the development of their online business. The Page begins a series of publications on this topic. We first analyzed how the popularity of smartphone apps in Android and Apple stores has changed. The rating was compiled according to the […]

Rendering the interface

How we are working

After discussing all the conditions for the execution of the order, both parties sign an agreement where the features of the project are spelled out. Also, the customer and the contractor sign the NDA.

IOS software development

IOS software development

The main difference between creating software for iOS is a special approach to the development of design and the programming process itself, all because each new version of the iPhone has its own requests for the interface and quality of content.

Writing custom programs

Custom programs

It should be noted that custom software development is an economically profitable move when the company has a large number of jobs. A more expensive solution would be to buy licenses. Writing programs to order implies, in the end, obtaining the rights to it and installing it in the workplace.

Application design

Application design

Regardless of the type, version or level of complexity of the program, the sequence of work with the development company does not change. Initially, a contract is concluded, where all the nuances are prescribed.