Application design

Regardless of the type, version or level of complexity of the program, the sequence of work with the development company does not change. Initially, a contract is concluded, where all the nuances are prescribed. Further, detailed design of the interface and the creation of functionality are carried out. At the same time, corresponding documents are issued for each product. Documentation is formed before starting to create mobile or Mac software. In the absence of requirements or information from the client, specialists will be able to provide their own support. Documents are issued for all work, including e-books and other small projects.
Each new project at the final stage undergoes detailed testing, which is necessary to check the functionality of the software. The development of game windows and tabs, design optimization for user requests, the introduction of new design solutions, as well as complex programming using modern languages is the key basis that is able to adapt the created program to the client’s requests, both graphically and technically. The last stage is the delivery of the project to the customer with the possibility of uploading it to the market.